Mold Manufacturing Quality Control Methods, Donglai Precision Molds Co., Ltd. Mold Manufacturing Quality Control Methods, Donglai Precisi

Mold Manufacturing Quality Control Methods, Donglai Precision Molds Co., Ltd.

 Mold Manufacturing Quality Control Methods, Donglai Precision Molds Co., Ltd.

Date: August 1, 2024

Shenzhen mold processing factories typically need to apply heat treatment during the mold processing phase. The occurrence of indentations is often related to insufficient cooling time following the heat treatment. Cooling time should be determined based on the mold material; inadequate cooling can lead to product deformation or indentations. Before large-scale production of new products in industrial enterprises, it is generally necessary to secure high-quality mold processing work from Shenzhen mold factories. As a common processing technique, mold processing can easily present flaws during production. Below, the editor of Shenzhen Donglai Molds briefly analyzes three methods for Shenzhen mold factories to maintain mold processing quality.

injection mold manufacturing
1. Extend Cooling Time

In the mold processing phase, Shenzhen mold factories typically need to perform heat treatment. The development of indentations is often closely linked to insufficient cooling time after this process. The cooling time must be tailored to the mold material; inadequate cooling may result in product deformation or indentations.

2. Increase Internal Pressure of the Molds

During the processing of molds, Shenzhen factories usually follow a series of processing steps. Throughout these processes, internal pressure may fall short, causing deformation or indentations in the molds themselves. Therefore, Shenzhen mold factories should increase the internal pressure during processing to effectively reduce the likelihood of indentations or other issues.

3. Maintain Uniform Product Thickness

Mold products vary widely in shape due to different customer requirements. Some molded products may have uneven thickness at various points due to these requirements. When processing such mold products, Shenzhen mold factories can easily encounter indentation issues. Typically, maintaining consistent product thickness can help alleviate these problems.

Professional Shenzhen mold factories must ensure the quality of the processed molds. However, the causes of product issues can be diverse; hence, factories should adopt tailored improvement measures based on the specific problems encountered. Commonly, this can involve extending cooling times, increasing internal mold pressure, and maintaining uniform product thickness.

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