
Plastic mold manufacturers, key points for injection mold design

Plastic mold manufacturers, key points for injection mold design

Reinforcement ribs are an important design element in injection mold design. Reasonable application of reinforcing ribs can increase the rigidity of products and reduce deformation. However, some key points need to be noted when designing reinforcement ribs. Firstly, strengthen

Plastic mold manufacturers, key points for injection mold design

The thickness of the reinforcement must be controlled between 0.5 and 0.7 times the product wall thickness, otherwise it will cause surface shrinkage problems. Secondly, the single slope of the reinforcing rib should be greater than 1.5 ° to avoid the occurrence of top damage.

Another important design element is the mold opening direction and parting line. When designing each injection molding product, the first step is to determine its mold opening direction and parting line, in order to minimize the use of the core pulling slider mechanism and eliminate the impact of parting lines on the appearance

The impact. After determining the direction of the mold opening, the reinforcement ribs, buckles, protrusions, and other structures of the product should be consistent with the direction of the mold opening to avoid core pulling, reducing the seam line, and extending the life of the mold. In addition, selecting the appropriate parting line is also necessary,

To improve appearance and performance.

Key points of injection mold design

The design of holes is also an important factor to consider in the design process. The shape of the hole should be as simple as possible, generally taking a circular shape. The axial direction of the hole should be consistent with the direction of the mold opening to avoid core pulling. When the aspect ratio of the hole is greater than 2, a detachment should be set

The slope of the mold and the diameter should be calculated based on the minor diameter size. The length to diameter ratio of blind holes generally does not exceed 4. In addition, the distance between the hole and the edge of the product is generally greater than the aperture size.

The design of rounded corners also needs to be carefully considered. Small rounded corners may cause stress concentration in the product or mold cavity, leading to cracking. Therefore, in the design process, attention should be paid to the size of the rounded corners to avoid stress concentration.

Finally, the demolding angle is also a key design element. An appropriate demolding angle can prevent product fuzzing. Different surfaces require different demolding angles. The demolding angle of smooth surfaces should be ≥ 0.5 degrees, and fine skin texture surfaces should have larger demolding angles

At 1 degree, the surface with coarse leather lines is greater than 1.5 degrees. An appropriate demolding angle can also avoid top damage to the product, such as whitening, deformation, and breakage.

The key points of injection mold design include the reasonable application of reinforcing ribs, determination of mold opening direction and parting line, hole design, treatment of rounded corners, and setting of demolding angle. The reasonable application of these key points can improve production

The quality of the product and extending the service life of the mold are key aspects that need to be focused on in the design process of injection molds.

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