Plastic molds, issues that need to be noted in the design of high-precision plastic molds

Plastic molds, issues that need to be noted in the design of high-precision plastic molds

High precision plastic molds have high design requirements and higher design complexity than general molds. Before confirming the commencement of work, it is necessary to ensure that all processes have been determined to avoid problems during the processing. When designing high-precision plastic molds, attention should be paid to the following issues:

1. Feasibility analysis: The design engineer should conduct a feasibility analysis on the plastic product drawings provided by the customer, determine the mold structure, and strictly regulate the product design process. This is the most crucial step that requires careful and careful completion, which can save time on subsequent work.

2. Expansion diagram analysis: Analyze based on the product expansion diagram and prepare the required materials. Preparing materials based on the unfolding diagram can improve efficiency and accuracy, reduce errors, and facilitate the rapid completion of design work.

3. Mold opening direction and parting line: Determine the mold opening direction and parting line position. Each plastic product needs to determine the mold opening direction and parting line at the beginning of the design to reduce the core slider mechanism and minimize the impact of parting lines on the appearance. The structure of the product should be aligned with the direction of the mold opening, avoiding core pulling, reducing seams, and extending the molding time.

4. Selection of parting line: After determining the direction of mold opening, choose an appropriate parting line to avoid reverse threading and improve the appearance and performance of the mold.

5. Adjustment of draft angle: Properly adjusting the draft angle can avoid damage such as white edges, deformation, and breakage at the top of the product. When designing deep cavity structure products, the outer surface slope should be greater than the inner surface slope to ensure that the plastic injection mold core does not move, obtain uniform product wall thickness, and ensure material strength and opening time.

6. Wall thickness control: Different plastics have different wall thickness ranges, generally 0.54 millimeters. If the wall thickness exceeds 4 millimeters, it will cause problems such as long cooling time and shrinkage, and it is necessary to consider changing the product structure. Uneven wall thickness can lead to surface shrinkage, porosity, and fusion lines. Reasonable use of reinforcing ribs can increase product stiffness and reduce deformation.

Designing high-precision plastic molds requires meticulous and comprehensive consideration to ensure mold quality and production efficiency. By rational design and strict implementation of process requirements, the accuracy and stability of the mold can be improved, customer needs can be met, and efficient production can be achieved.

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