
Plastic mold manufacturers, key points for injection mold design (Part 1)

Plastic mold manufacturers, key points for injection mold design (Part 1)

Injection mold is an essential tool in the industrial production of plastic products. It generally consists of seven major systems: pouring system, guiding system, forming system, core pulling system, ejection system, cooling system, and exhaust system. In injection molding

key points for injection mold design

In the production and manufacturing of molds, the design of injection molds is a very important link. In the design process, it is necessary to comprehensively consider various factors in order to ultimately design a product that can meet production requirements. So, in the comments

What are the key points to pay attention to in the design process of plastic molds?

1. The direction of mold opening and parting line are important factors to consider when designing injection molded products. Each injection molding product should first determine its mold opening direction and parting line at the beginning of the design to ensure that the core pulling mechanism is minimized and eliminated as much as possible

The impact of parting lines on appearance. After determining the direction of mold opening, the reinforcement ribs, buckles, protrusions and other structures of the product should be designed to be as consistent as possible with the direction of mold opening, in order to avoid core pulling and reduce the seam line, and prolong the life of the mold.

2. Product wall thickness is another key factor that needs to be noted. All types of plastics have a certain wall thickness range, generally between 0.5 and 4mm. When the wall thickness exceeds 4mm, it will cause excessive cooling time, resulting in problems such as shrinkage printing,

We should consider changing the product structure. Uneven wall thickness can cause surface shrinkage, porosity, and weld marks.

3. The demolding angle is also an important factor to consider in the design process. An appropriate demolding angle can prevent product fuzzing. The demolding slope of a smooth surface should be greater than 0.5 degrees, the surface with fine leather lines should be greater than 1 degree, and the surface with coarse leather lines should be larger

At 1.5 degrees. An appropriate demolding angle can prevent top damage to the product. When designing deep cavity structure products, the outer surface slope is required to be smaller than the inner surface slope to ensure that the mold core is not misaligned during injection molding, obtain uniform product wall thickness, and ensure

Verify the material density and strength at the opening of the product.

Key points of injection mold design: Injection mold design is a detailed and complex process that requires comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. Through reasonable design, product quality can be improved, mold life can be extended, and production can be reduced

In order to achieve better production results. In the process of injection mold design, the above points need special attention and attention. Only through meticulous design can high-quality plastic products that meet the requirements be produced.

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