Plastic Mold Manufacturers: Factors Affecting the Service Life of Injection Molds - Donglai Precision Mould Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Plastic Mold Manufacturers: Factors Affecting the Service

Plastic Mold Manufacturers: Factors Affecting the Service Life of Injection Molds – Donglai Precision Mould Co., Ltd., Shenzhen

Plastic Mold Manufacturers: Factors Affecting the Service Life of Injection Molds – Donglai Precision Mould Co., Ltd., Shenzhen

Views: 47
Date: 2024-07-02

Factors Affecting the Service Life of Injection Molds

Plastic mold manufacturers

The first factor influencing the life of injection molds is corrosion failure. Commonly used injection alloys in mold manufacturing include zinc alloy, aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy, and copper alloy, as well as pure aluminum injection. Zn, Al, and Mg are relatively reactive metals that have good affinity with mold materials, particularly Al, which is prone to sticking to molds. When the hardness of the mold is high, its corrosion resistance improves. However, if there are soft spots on the molding surface, this can negatively impact resistance to corrosion. All objects have a certain lifespan, and injection molds are no exception; after a certain period of use, molds will fail and require new ones to be produced. The lifespan of injection molds is affected by various factors, and only by fully understanding these factors can mold manufacturers produce molds with a longer lifespan.

1. The first factor affecting the life of injection molds is corrosion failure.

Injection mold manufacturers often use alloys like zinc, aluminum, magnesium, and copper, as well as pure aluminum. Zn, Al, and Mg are highly reactive elements that bond well with mold materials, especially Al, which can easily stick to molds. When the hardness of the mold is high, it exhibits better corrosion resistance, while soft points on the molding surface are detrimental to this.

2. The second reason affecting the lifespan of injection molds is thermal fatigue cracking failure.

During injection production, molds are subjected to repeated cycles of thermal stress due to rapid cooling and heating, causing deformation on the molding surface and the internal structure. This results in repetitive thermal stress that leads to damage and loss of toughness in the material structure, giving rise to microcracks that can expand. Once these cracks widen, molten metal can seep in, and repeated mechanical stress will further accelerate the crack propagation. Therefore, molds must be adequately preheated before the injection process. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain the molds within a specific temperature range during production to avoid early cracking failure. Ensuring that internal factors do not pose issues before production starts is equally important, as most mold failures in actual production result from thermal fatigue cracking.

3. The third reason affecting the lifespan of injection molds is fracture failure caused by injection force.

Under injection pressure, molds may develop cracks at their weakest points, particularly near surface scratches or marks from electrical processing that have not been polished, or at clearances during molding. When brittle phases or coarse grain boundaries are present, it is easy for fractures to occur. Fracture propagation is rapid during brittle failure, making it a significant danger for mold integrity. Therefore, any scratches or marks on the mold surface must be polished, even in the pouring system areas. Additionally, the mold materials used must have high strength, good plasticity, and adequate impact toughness and fracture toughness.

By understanding these three main factors that influence the service life of injection molds, Donglai Injection Mold Factory in Shenzhen can effectively address potential issues in the manufacturing process, thereby avoiding the impact of these factors and producing higher-quality molds. This not only significantly enhances production efficiency but also better conserves production costs for the business.

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