
Plastic mold manufacturer, detailed explanation of anti-static agents and curing agents

Plastic mold manufacturer, detailed explanation of anti-static agents and curing agents

When using injection molding materials to process products, injection molding factories are required to add many additional functions due to different application locations. A common approach is to increase hardness, prevent static electricity, and flame retardancy. So how to implement these required functions? We need to use curing agents and anti-static agents.

When using injection molding materials to process products, injection molding factories are required to add many additional functions due to different application locations. A common approach is to increase hardness, prevent static electricity, and flame retardancy. So how to implement it

causes of dents in injection molded products

What about these required functions? We need to use curing agents and anti-static agents. What is an antistatic agent? Plastic is a good insulation material, but if plastic products rub against other materials during use, it is easy to generate static electricity on the surface. Mild cases may become dirty due to surface vacuuming, while severe cases may cause a fire due to spark discharge. The function of adding anti-static agents is to form a conductive layer on the surface of the product for discharge. The commonly used anti-static agents are organic nitrogen compounds, etc.

What is a curing agent?

The function of the curing agent is to crosslink the original linear polymer into a bulk polymer, making the product have good stiffness and hardness. Usually, curing agents are only added to thermosetting plastics, such as phenolic resin added six times
Methylenetetramine, adding anhydride compounds to epoxy resin, and adding peroxides to polyester resin can all play a role in changing the characteristic hardness of the original injection molding material. For injection molding factories, special attention should be paid to the ratio of additives used in these injection molding materials. Too much or too little cannot achieve the desired result.

Plastic mold manufacturer, detailed explanation of anti-static agents and curing agents

An injection molding factory needs to verify and debug these ratios, and conduct experimental verification through small batch production to determine whether they are qualified products, in order to better complete production tasks. Once there is an issue with the dosage, the loss is not just a small amount of raw material. For these formulas, more documentation and experimental verification should be done, and they are not static. The amount added and the type of product suitable for production should not only be stored in the technician’s mind, but also recorded in a table for future reference.

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