Shenzhen mold manufacturers, what are the common polishing methods of plastic mold?

Shenzhen mold manufacturers, what are the common polishing methods of plastic mold?

There are many common polishing methods for plastic mold, each of which has its unique characteristics and application scenarios. The purpose of polishing the mold mainly includes increasing the brightness and beauty, and making the mold easier to demould. When polishing, a series of process steps are usually adopted, including the initial grinding with coarse oilstone, and then gradually transition to fine sandpaper and polishing paste for final fine polishing, so as to achieve the effect of bright as a mirror.

The common polishing methods of plastic mold include mechanical polishing, chemical polishing, electrolytic polishing, ultrasonic polishing, fluid polishing and magnetic abrasive polishing.

1. mechanical polishing:

Remove the bulge of the polished part by cutting or plastic deformation of the material surface, and use tools such as oilstone strip, wool wheel, sandpaper, and manual operation. For the workpiece with high surface quality requirements, the method of ultra precision grinding and polishing can be adopted to meet the extremely high surface roughness requirements.

2. chemical polishing:

Let the micro convex part of the surface of the material dissolve preferentially in the chemical medium, so as to obtain a smooth surface. It does not need complex equipment, and is suitable for workpieces with complex shapes. It has the characteristics of high efficiency.

polishing methods of plastic mold
3. electrolytic polishing:

Similar to chemical polishing, it makes the surface smooth by selectively dissolving the small convex parts on the surface of the material. Compared with chemical polishing, it can eliminate the influence of cathode reaction, and the effect is better.

4. ultrasonic polishing:

The workpiece is put into the abrasive suspension, placed in the ultrasonic field, and polished by ultrasonic vibration. It has micro force effect and will not cause workpiece deformation, but it is difficult to manufacture and install tooling.

5. fluid polishing:

Polishing is achieved by scouring the surface of the workpiece with high-speed flowing liquid and abrasive particles. Common methods include abrasive jet machining, liquid jet machining and hydrodynamic grinding.

6. magnetic abrasive polishing:

The abrasive brush formed by magnetic abrasive under the action of magnetic field is used to grind the workpiece. It has the advantages of high processing efficiency, good quality and easy control, and can meet the requirements of high surface roughness. Each polishing method has its unique advantages and scope of application. Selecting the appropriate polishing method can effectively improve the brightness and beauty of the plastic mold, and improve the service life and production efficiency of the mold. In the actual production, it is very important to choose the appropriate polishing method according to the specific mold material, shape and surface requirements.

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