There are actually several methods for injection molding in plastic mold factories

Injection molding is also a processing procedure, and many products need to go through this process because it mainly improves the quality and safety level of the tools, so that customers can purchase and use them with confidence. There are also many types of injection molding programs, and we have only briefly listed the following ones.
Compression injection molding:
Compression molding is an advanced form of traditional injection molding. Its advantages include increasing the flow ratio of injection molded parts, using less clamping force and injection pressure, reducing material internal stress, and improving processing productivity. Injection compression molding is suitable for various thermoplastic engineering plastic products, such as large curved parts, thin-walled parts, small parts, optical lenses, and parts with good impact resistance requirements.
Exhaust injection molding:
The purpose of exhaust injection molding is to allow volatile fission products generated during polymerization and solidification to leave. If these gases cannot be expelled from the cavity, it will result in incomplete products or bubbles during the sealing process.

Low pressure injection molding:
Low pressure injection molding is a packaging process that uses very low injection pressure to inject hot melt materials into molds and rapidly cure them. The excellent sealing performance and superior physical and chemical properties of hot melt materials are used to achieve insulation, temperature resistance, and impact resistance. It has functions such as vibration reduction, moisture-proof, waterproof, dustproof, and chemical corrosion resistance, and plays a good role in protecting electronic components.
Water assisted injection molding:
Water assisted injection molding technology is an advanced injection molding process, in which a portion of the melt is injected into the cavity, and high-pressure water is injected into the melt through the device to ultimately form the workpiece. Water assisted systems have many advantages that gas assisted systems cannot match. Research and application have shown that this water aid can produce thinner and more uniform cavity walls, and the inner wall surface of the flow channel is very smooth. Especially for thick walled workpieces, the cooling time assisted by water and gas can be greatly shortened.